The Boil
Tom O'Rourke - Boilmaster, CMB
Joe Atkinson - Assistant Boilmaster, CMB
Scott Steel - Assistant Boilmaster
Aaron McLaughlin - Afterboil Boilmaster
Food and Supplies
Francoise Baecker
Trish and Scott Steele
Kim McLaughlin (corn)
Brian Ellwood, David Gelinas
Mike DiNinno
Andy Baecker, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Fund
Mike Piowtrowski - coordinator
Sarah Towell - media
Laurne Towell - booth
Setup, Teardown, Cleanup, Food Prep
Lisa Kaufmann
Trish Steel
David Gelinas
Tony Corscadden
Nick Girka
Tom and Kathleen Graf
David Gelinas
Our first party without Andy, heartbreaking and emotional, but ended up one of the best and biggest ever, We raised over $2000 to donate to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Andy's name.
The boils were the best ever (over 20 pours easy), about 300 adults peak, and tons of kids of all ages as usual. Lot and lots of folks to thank, Thanks to everyone who contributed to Andy Baecker Rock and Roll Hall of Fame fund as well.
Food fantastic, music great, friend and friends of friends all fantastic. Blessed with great weather (perfect) . We pulled out all the stops for this one, lots more production work, and a huge number of folks contributing all the work.
Johnny Prime
Original indie rock by
Phil Steder, Kyle Tomsha, Stewart Goodman, Nate Rowe
Tables, Chairs, Coolers, Tents, other
David and Tina Gelinas
Lance and Christine Muskett
"I've got this old friend in Detroit, plays bass with a band, was thinking of getting him and my brother in law here this summer, we should have a party we can jam in the back yard, can you bring your keyboard."
Andy Baecker 2001
with the song "My Chivaun" by Andy Baecker, and Fletch Towell
Jeri and Fletch Towell
Kathleen and Tom Graf
Lisa and Stephen Kaufman
Francoise and Alex Baecker
Tony and Geraldine Corscadden
Trish and Scott Steele
Robin and Ed Wojonicki
Aaron and Kim McLaughlin
Musical Coordination
Mike Piotrowski
Phil Steder
Tom Graf
Fletch Towell
Video Funding
Justin Greis
Kevin Grassi
Mike Piotrowski
Tom G and Mike D
Phil Steder
Justin Gries
Bryan Mravec
Jim Dodis
Lauren Towell
Special Thanks
Ed and Val Krukiewicz
David G (Sunday Bloody Marys)
Justin and Kathrin Greis
Lance and Christine Muskett
Chris Piotrowski
Tom Graf (drum kit)
Aaron McLaughlin
David Mccray - Open Mic
Jim Dodis, Fletch
Tom Graf, Bryan Mravec, Fletch Towell
Ice Cream Stand
Cindy & Bill Mikuls