2016, another great party with great weather.   Super food as alawys, great time.


This years music featured a dual headliner band Fight with Monsters and The Rafters, local band with great cover tunes.    Stimulus performed thier great hard rock covers, returning after several year hiatus.  An new local high school band, the Kings, played a set of original tunes.   SouthSideExiles did what it does best, all original rock and roll., along with FTB performing jazz/fusion/rock originals.


Scot Steel one again served as boil master, with help from  Tommy O and Stephen Kaufmann.   John Pechan brought a whole ton of pulled pork for warms up stuff.  The early french fries were a bit hit the kids and adults alike in the afternoon.






Tom Graf, Lisa and Mike Damiani

SouthSide Exiles



Benjamin Dufresne

Click here for all 2016 pics

Pondstock 2016

Fight with Monster and the Rafters


Special performance by Becky's Fashion
