Well, the best music yet  according to many.


Killing it as a headliner was One The One, preforming some outstanding crowd favs.   Stimulus preformed hard rock clasics and Regretting Wednesday showcased its super new lead singer.   FTB has a mostly improv show this year, and SouthSideExiles debuted  a couple new tracks along with their signature classic rock and roll show. Opening the day was the local band Kinds of Charleston, their second year in a row.    We had some super and fantastic impromptu performances, with Stan Skibby doing an amazing Jimmy Hendrix tribute, and Brittany Sierra with two classic 70s favs.


Weather fantastic.   Boils fantastic.  Once again, big turnout as usual.  we really don't bother counting anymore!


Bryan Mravec surprised the audience with a big screen projection system and outstanding light and stage show. wow.


Food as always, simply marvelous (over 20 boils poured), with Scott Steel at the lead.



One The One


Regretting Wednesday


SouthSide Exiles

SSE- Crash Car Heart

Kings of Charleston

Stan Skibby

Walk on performance by Stan, with Rick Cruz and Phil Chester.


 Awesome Jimmy Hendrix covers.

Scot Steele


with helpers Ed Krukiewicz and Boilmaster Emeritus Tommy O

Special Thanks

Bryan Mravek

Lights and Video Projection

Bryan and Brittany have been traveling in from Ohio to handle our lights for the past 5 years.

Click here for all 2017 pics

Pondstock 2017

a little side stage video


Amazing open mic with Charlie, Phil and Mark, not rehearsed, wow.

The boil pit

Big-Screen projection, very cool!
